Lapsus$ breaks windows instead of picking locks, and that terrifies cybersecurity experts
T-Mobile is the latest high-profile target of the Lapsus$ cybercriminal group, whose bar-brawl tactics have stoked tech industry fears of copycat attacks
U.S. warns of Russian hacking threat as dangerous malware snaps into focus
The newly discovered Pipedream malware is aimed at American energy companies’ critical networks with alarming precision. Though it was caught before it could be used, the hacking tool’s emergence against the backdrop of war in Ukraine has drawn stark warnings from the U.S. and its allies.
Industrial malware, an unusual botnet breakup and a culprit for a record crypto heist
Welcome to Changelog for 4/17/22, published by Synack! I’m your Miami-bound host, Blake, and I’m excited to deliver you news from the S4x22 industrial cybersecurity conference this week.
Back-to-back industrial cyberthreats alarm global energy sector
Cybersecurity officials in the U.S. and Ukraine have exposed two powerful hacking tools aimed at the industrial control systems that underpin critical energy networks.
Grid cyberthreats, Bitcoin busts and a Russian botnet takedown
Welcome to Changelog for 4/10/22, published by Synack! Blake here, writing from the nation’s capital.
Dire grid hacking scenario sparked “shields up” approach to Russian threat
Every two years, the electricity industry runs a stress test designed to find and fix gaps in the North American grid’s cyber and physical defenses. The latest GridEx event presaged a blitz of real-world hacking threats that have kept U.S. power providers on high alert.
Web3's security dilemma, AcidRain malware and a cyber defamation case
Welcome to Changelog for 4/3/22, published by Synack! I’m your host, Blake, and I can’t believe this is already edition №10.
Web3 security is a mess. Here’s how to fix it
There will be bumps on the road to securing this burgeoning ecosystem, where multimillion-dollar heists still happen with alarming frequency.
Triton malware indictments, more Lapsus$ chaos and ShmooCon’s revival
Welcome to Changelog for 3/27/22, published by Synack! It’s me, Blake, your loyal ShmooCon correspondent.