Apple patches zero-days, MOVEit Transfer vuln leaks and the FBI gets cute
Welcome to Changelog for 6/25/23, published by Synack! Nathaniel Mott here after our Juneteenth break with the latest security news.
As APIs proliferate, attackers follow
With APIs accounting for more than half of all internet traffic, attacks on mobile and web application endpoints continue to grow.
MOVEit users extorted, Barracuda bitten and GoAnywhere woes not going anywhere
Nathaniel Mott here, emerging from the smoke of Ottawa’s wildfires with the week’s security news. A quick programming note: We will not be publishing next week as we honor the Juneteenth holiday.
A new iOS zero-click exploit, MOVEit sees mass exploitation and ransomware keeps on coming
Welcome to Changelog for 6/4/23, published by Synack! Nathaniel Mott here from the sweltering heat of upstate New York with the week’s security news.
How defenders are experimenting with artificial intelligence
AI dominated conversations at the RSA Security Conference in May, but underneath the hype, some real changes are in the works.
Ransomware that cares, TLD concerns and the “Sangria Tempest” cyberthreat
Welcome to Changelog for 5/21/23, published by Synack! Nathaniel Mott here with a recap of what happened in cyber this week. Programming note: Changelog will not publish next week as we observe Memorial Day in the U.S.
Spyware vendors stagger as the U.S. and allies land a punch
The Biden administration’s executive order to restrict government use of commercial spyware put the spyware industry on notice, but experts say global collaboration will be needed to truly limit the spread of these invasive toolkits.
Snake’s takedown, irksome commercial surveillance and a federal data breach
Welcome to Changelog for 5/14/23, published by Synack—and Happy Mother’s Day! Nathaniel Mott here with the week’s security news.
Home is where the hackers are: The dizzying task of securing remote work
Increases in phishing attacks, credential stuffing against corporate cloud services and unpatched vulnerabilities in consumer hardware have all skyrocketed since the COVID pandemic upended work routines. With more employees logging in from home, locking down workers’ security habits and local networks has never mattered so much.